The special issue "Language and Work" coordinated by Amado Alarcón, Antoni Vidal-Suñé and Mar Joanpere has been just published by RIO-International Journal of Organizations
This monograph collects 13 interesting manuscripts focused on discussing different aspects related to the question of language skills and language at work within the context of language and occupations. The different articles have been written both by project team members as by guest contributors who were participating in the past international conference "Language at Work" organised in the context of the research project "Language and Occupations"
The complete reference is:
- Amado Alarcón, Antoni Vidal-Suñé & Mar Joanpere Foraster (2019): “Language and Work”. RIO-International Journal of Organizations, Núm. 23, Desember 2019. DOI: 10.17345/rio23
This monograph has been made possible thanks to the funding provided for the project “Competencias Lingüísticas en la Era Digital: la Mejora de la Productividad y la Empleabilidad Laboral”, managed by the RecerCaixa programme and promoted by the ACUP and “la Caixa” Social Work) (2016ACUP00020) and the project “Ocupaciones y lenguaje. Diseño de la Escala Intensidad Lingüística del Trabajo y Aplicación a los Sistemas Estandar de Clasificación Ocupacional: CNO-2011, CIUO-2008”, funded by the Spanish Ministry for Competition and the Economy (CSO2015-64247-P).