International Workshop "Language and Professions"

Junio 27, 8:30 am

Sala de Reunions

Faculty of Business and Economics 

Av. de la Universitat, 1 Campus Bellissens,



Sala de Reunions

Faculty of Business and Economics 

Av. de la Universitat, 1 Campus Bellissens,


The international workshop "Language and Professions" is organised in the context of the research project "Language and Occupations", granted by the National RTD Plan (Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness) and the RecerCaixa program (ACUP and Obra Social "laCaixa").

This international workshop has as main aims the presentation of the research project and its objectives, focusing on the methodological discussion of how to develop scales to measure the Linguistic Intensity of Occupations (ILT). To make it possible, this international worksop is attended by members of the local research team and experts of the scientific community working on language, competences, communication and occupations.  

With this end, the agenda of the workshop includes the presentation of advances in the research. Among other: 

  • M. Jesús Muiños: “Competencias lingüísticas en los orígenes de la clasificación profesional en España (1920-1990)".
  • Teresa Corbella: “Construyendo una Escala de Intensidad Lingüística del Trabajo (ILT): Trabajos Preliminares para Analizar la Congruencia entre las Capacidades Lingüísticas Reales y las Competencias Teóricas”. 
  • Josep Ubalde: “Language Work Requirements as a Source of Inter-occupations Payoff Variability”. 
  • Cecilio Lapresta: "Nuevos Descendientes de Migrantes en Cataluña: Un Análisis sobre su Integración Lingüística”. 
  • Antoni Vidal-Suñé & Ma. Belén López Panisello: “Propuesta para Elaborar la Escala de Intensidad Lingüística del Trabajo (ILT) en base a Modelos de Ecuaciones Estructurales: Una Primera Aproximación Tentativa”. 
  • Josiah McC Heyman: “The Political Field Surrounding the Dual Language Movement (education and performance)”.

Besides, on June 28th, is planned a project meeting with the research team to evaluate the previous international workshop, prior tasks and activities developed as well as to organize future work.