The general objective of the research project is:

To develop and apply a Scale of Linguistic Intensity of Occupations (ILT, in the Spanish abbreviation)

This objective is broken down into 3 sub-objectives:

  • Sub-Objective 1. Develop the Scale of Linguistic Intensity of Occupations (ILT). The ILT concept captures the importance of the use of language in the occupational exercise from three dimensions:
    • diversity and simultaneity (number of languages),
    • scope (communication channels and types of tasks in which language is incorporated into the production process),
    • quality (degree of formality and excellence in the language necessary for the development of tasks).
  • Sub-Objective 2. Implement the ILT scale
  • Sub-Objective 3. Disseminate the ILT index between US and European institutions
    • Action 3.1. Diffusion of results in universities and European and American institutions
    • Action 3.2. Publication of the ILT matrix (on-line and in open access).