This project designs a scale of Linguistic Intensity of Occupations (ILT, according to the Spanish abbreviation) and assigns ILT values ​​to all occupations classified in the CNO-2011 (Spanish National Classification of Occupations) systems; ISCO-2008 (International Uniform Occupational Classification) and SOC-2018 (Standard Classification of Occupations in the United States of America).

The design and assignment of ILT values is carried out by an international and interdisciplinary team, taking as starting point in the construction of the scale three main dimensions: a) diversity (number of languages ​​and registers); b) scope (fields and communication channels) and c) quality (level of knowledge in the use of language). The ILT scale has four main applications: 1) employability analysis of workers according to linguistic intensity of the occupational structure, 2) analysis of productivity and competitiveness of companies according to language components of productive processes, 3) implications for recognition of the ILT in the collective bargaining of the professional categories in the framework of the informational economy and, 4) specific training actions according to the level of ILT in each occupation.

The research is developed in three phases: 1) definition and revision of the dimensions and indicators that will compose the ILT scale; 2a) allocation of values ​​through a panel of more than 90 experts in Spain, the United States, Mexico, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and 3a) application of the ILT scale to key problems of the labor categories within the framework of the information society: a) the relationship between ILT and employability of workers; b) effects of the new linguistic requirements of work on labor promotion, particularly observable through definitions of professional careers in collective agreements.