The processes of globalization, outsourcing and informationalization of the economy lead to a growing number of jobs and workers requiring a greater component of intellectual and, therefore, linguistic work. This is because in the digital economy, information and knowledge are codified, transmitted and represented linguistically. The most obvious example of the code system is natural language. The writing and reading of a scientific article, news in a digital newspaper or the design of a computer application are also produced under professional and computer codes. And, in particular, each one is produced within the framework of occupations with particular linguistic needs. These complex abilities are both sociocultural, technical-professionals, as well as strictly digital using intermediate computers.

Therefore, the project presented is placed in the "linguistic specialization" required for the occupations of the digital era. We consider it necessary to deepen the productive processes of informational capitalism by taking occupations as an observation unit. The reason is that the creation of wealth, productivity and employability in advanced societies depends on the production and management of information and knowledge, which are transmitted and produced through language.

Although progress has been made in cross-cutting knowledge about competencies in the digital environment, little is known about the specific needs according to occupations. More specifically, there is no study to establish the language codes required in each job to effectively and efficiently carry out workplace activities. Therefore, we believe that it becomes necessary to deepen in occupational specialization in the informational framework in order to face key problems in our society, such as the employability and productivity of companies.

For this reason, the main objective of this research is the design of a Scale of Linguistic Intensity of Occupations (ILT in the Spanish abbreviation), which assigns values ​​to its different dimensions and indicators, and implement it to productivity and employability problems.

Once this ILT scale has been created, in future research, it can be used to demonstrate its impact in terms of business success, organizational competitiveness, profitability, effective decision-making capacity, more effective communication with industry and professions, etc.; allowing also the comparison between them.