Three co-authored works discussing project results have been published in JCR journals in the last weeks:
- Josep Ubalde & Amado Alarcón (2020). Immigrant disadvantage in the labour market: The role of attitudinal context. European Societies, DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2020.1719180.
- Amado Alarcón, Josep Ubalde & Josiah Mc. Heyman (2020). Language as raw material, scripts as tools and conversations as product: effects of linguistic production on job categories in outsourced call centres. New Technology, Work and Employment , DOI: 10.1111/ntwe.12156.
- Josep Ubalde & Amado Alarcón (2020). Are all automation-resistant skills rewarded? Linguistic skills in the US labour market. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, DOI: 10.1177/1035304620903152.